Is Your Business Becoming Just Another Brand?

"My business has stalled, I need more innovation." 

Do you need innovation, or have you lost the plot?

It’s all too common.

When a business stalls, it leads to these responses:

Tighten the belt, and we need newness and innovation.

Could it be that you’ve also veered from the story?

What do I mean?

Maslow spoke of universal human needs.

That humans seek basic needs (food, water, sleep).

But, they also seek other fundamental needs (safety, esteem, love, belonging).

Often at the same time!*

It’s your customer’s frustrations and struggles,

and resolving them that matter.

Like a timeless story. 

The customer is the hero.

Innovation is resolving their conflict.

You are helping them on their road to well-being.

In the words of Marty Neumeier:

“…(your) product is not the innovation, (your) customer is.”

*Tay L, Diener E. Needs and subjective well-being around the worldJ Pers Soc Psychol. 2011;101(2):354-365. doi:10.1037/a0023779


What is Design’s New Role?


This Blind Spot Limits Your Innovation.