3 Steps for Innovation: Design Thinking Simplified.
Design Thinking is a powerful framework. Yet I also find it complicated. For me, simpler is better. This is why I've simplified it into three key stages: See, Solve, and Story.
1. See: This first stage is often overlooked. Yet it is the most critical. Skimp here and weaken the rest of the process. Yet brands who spend the effort with customers to Look, Live, and Listen, find product gold.
The best project briefs come from the deep insights gathered here. Which also provides a rich foundation for storytelling throughout the process. What’s not to love here?
2. Solve: This is best known as the design and development stage. Teams feel most comfortable here. Yet even here much potential can go unrealized. Move quickly. Engage a diversity of ideas from various stakeholders. Brainstorm many ideas. Then build physical samples rapidly. Test these results for desirability, feasibility, and viability. Rinse and repeat until a winner emerges. Then refine and confirm.
3. Story: Remember that brief we created a while back? This is the genesis of the launch story. Now that we've solved the problem, we can highlight desirable benefits. Beyond this, we must tap into the motivations and emotions related to these benefits. The story emerges naturally and powerfully. Storytelling which is critical both for retailer account pre-selling and marketplace activation.