Customers Want This Instead.
In a flash of inspiration, a new product idea hits you.
Your new product idea feels sticky, like something someone will buy.
You go for it. A new brand is born.
But what are you really selling?
Marty Neumeier says it best in The Brand Flip:
Today’s customers want more than products, more than features, more than benefits, even more than experiences. They want meaning. They want a sense of belonging. They want creative control over their life stories.
Many people mistakenly focus on selling a tangible product, rather than emphasizing its immaterial value.
In reality, your product serves as a means to a specific outcome.
Your customer is more interested in that outcome.
Sell that.
Gym membership or Confidence?
A few examples:
You're not selling a smartphone; rather creativity.
You're not selling a gym membership; rather confidence.
You're not selling flowers; rather strong relationships.
You're not selling a course; rather the opportunity it grants.
You're not selling a toothbrush; rather attractiveness.
You're not selling eyeglasses; rather personality.
Eyeglasses or Personality?
Are you starting a new brand or product?
Focus on your customer’s outcome; the product is merely an artifact.
Now, you're approaching things from their perspective.
Ultimately, it’s their brand, not yours.
Great, what do YOU actually sell?