Customers Want This Instead.

In a flash of inspiration, a new product idea hits you.


Your new product idea feels sticky, like something someone will buy. 

You go for it. A new brand is born.

But what are you really selling?

Marty Neumeier says it best in The Brand Flip:

Today’s customers want more than products, more than features, more than benefits, even more than experiences. They want meaning. They want a sense of belonging. They want creative control over their life stories. 

Many people mistakenly focus on selling a tangible product, rather than emphasizing its immaterial value.

In reality, your product serves as a means to a specific outcome.

Your customer is more interested in that outcome.

Sell that.

Gym membership or Confidence?

A few examples:

  • You're not selling a smartphone; rather creativity.

  • You're not selling a gym membership; rather confidence.

  • You're not selling flowers; rather strong relationships.

  • You're not selling a course; rather the opportunity it grants.

  • You're not selling a toothbrush; rather attractiveness.

  • You're not selling eyeglasses; rather personality.

Eyeglasses or Personality?

Are you starting a new brand or product?

Focus on your customer’s outcome; the product is merely an artifact.

Now, you're approaching things from their perspective.

Ultimately, it’s their brand, not yours.

Great, what do YOU actually sell?


Nike’s Toxic Voice of the Athlete


Think Your Product Idea is Great? Prove It.