Design Thinking: Good in every way but ONE…
Design Thinking is a valuable tool for innovation. It’s great in every way, but ONE. So I had to change it.
The Problem:
As product creators, we live and breathe the Product Creation Process. I like to think of this process as three simple buckets (see Illustration A).
This is where my rub with Design Thinking begins. As a model, Design Thinking is often described in five stages (and newer iterations add two more!). This is too much for me to remember. And if I can’t remember it, I won’t use it. For me, simpler is better.
Illustration A
My Solution:
I've simplified the process into three key stages: SEE, SOLVE, and STORY (see illustration B). Each represents a bucket of the Product Creation Process.
To aid in remembering this framework, I’ve linked visual metaphors to each. (see illustration B)
Illustration B
My Metaphors:
👁️ Sight (SEE):
To see someone, we must have empathy. Which requires curiosity, vulnerability, and perception.
Yet we often see what we want. So other perspectives help us see clearly. This is how we cut bias, and see from a POV beside our own.
Finally, to see deeply takes conscious intention. Much like our efforts to find our user’s deep motivation. This is necessary to find “WHY” our product exists.
💎 Diamond (SOLVE):
A diamond starts as a hunk of pure carbon deep in the earth. Given the right pressure and temperature, a valuable transformation occurs.
But, bringing it to the surface is messy, to say the least. Much like brainstorming ideas to solve a problem.
And like an idea, a diamond is unremarkable at first sight. Its coveted shape is obscured until honed with 58 facets.
Likewise, ideas need many iterations and prototypes for refinement. Only when meeting the criteria of desirability, feasibility, and viability, does it earn the right to be a product.
📻 Boombox (STORY):
In its day, to have a boombox meant we were seen. We were noticed. With it, we could tell our story and stake our territory.
Just like we must for a product launch. And the stronger our SEE-ing and SOLVE-ing, the more amplified our STORY when we’re ready to go to market!