How to Meet Shifting Technology.

YOU’VE BEEN BEHIND THE WHEEL for hours, strangely aware of the road yet far away in thought. Present but absent.

Instantly, your trance is broken. A flicker of red lights.

What’s that ahead?

I’ve heard it said recently that preparing for change is like cruising on a crowded LA freeway. When a distant disturbance of red light enters our awareness at 70 mph, some see it early, others just in time, and a few not at all.

If the signal is to stop, the timing matters—a lot.

You should be seeing red lights now.

Shifts from AI are visceral and felt. But it’s just beginning and it’s going to be massive!

What do you do: Refuse to respond? Slam the brakes? Or keep cruising? The answer is not binary.

As creators of products, we move from our limitations to what’s possible. Our products must create value for the lives of humans (which includes the world they live in).

Those with a broad and deep understanding of the human experience will be crucial.

But this requires you to align your purpose. Engage all the skills and perspectives you bring. You have permission to bring more to the table. We need you to.

Today, brands that embrace design leadership, strive for deeper insights, and solve complex problems, dominate their markets. They serve as our guide. And creatives must be integrated into our business. Yet, they also share accountability.

We are all creatives, each in our own way. Tools like design thinking and human-centered design empower all of us. But even they will need to shift to meet our current needs.

After all, those red lights, may not all be brake lights.

Perhaps they’re moving away from us too. Redshift.

Redshift explains a phenomenon when a star is moving quickly away from us, which changes the light we see to shift red.

Do we speed up or slow down? Yes, both.


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